implant | Gangnam Dental Clinic


Master of Implants


Implant requires consideration of
price, ability, and follow-up management
That's why Gangnam Dental Office is confident.


Specialists from Seoul National University
Professional Cooperation System

Gangnam Dental Office has not only oral surgeons
but also specialists in each department,
which can provide high-quality implants
as university hospitals through cooperation.

  • Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

    Implant surgery is performed after confirming the suitability of the implant placement space, checking the correct position and the angle, and contact with adjacent teeth.

  • Periodontics

    The periodontist place implant fixture with the anatomical knowledge of the alveolar bones and surrounding tissues. The implant surgery is performed with oral surgeons and they also participate on postoperative management.

  • Prosthodontics

    Prosthodontists design overall treatment plan accordingly after considering patient’s oral conditions, such as checking occlusion and setting artificial teeth, etc.

For more than 20 years in one place

  • 2002
    Human Love
    Dental Clinic
  • 2014
    Dental Office
  • 2021
    20th anniversary &
    Moved to a larger facility

Gangnam Dental Office, which opened in Gangnam in 2001 and
still remains at the same location with an honest management method and
the philosophy of preserving natural teeth of patients.
We've been constantly researching and communicating with patients for their oral health.

If many patients didn't trust and visit Gangnam Dental Office,
It would not have been possible to stay in the same place until now.

Abundant clinical experience
on difficult cases

Gangnam Dental Office promises ideal results and satisfactory treatment experiences with specialists from each department, ranging from artificial root planting surgery in alveolar bones to connecting prosthetics, with know-how and philosophy accumulated from numerous cases over the past 20 years.

Care from an implant continuous management team

Gangnam Dental office has periodontal team which mainly focus on maintaining healthy oral condition as long as possible. Through regular and consistent visits with examinations and expert managements, patients who experienced oral disease treatment and implant surgery at the time of opening are still visiting for more than 20 years.

Gangnam Dental Office
Implant Medical Warranty

Gangnam Dental Office is implementing an implant treatment warranty system so that you can maintain healthy condition for a longer time after implant surgery. If you are familiar with the precautions and manage them with Gangnam Dental Office, you can maintain the same comfort as natural teeth.

Implant techniques

Our experienced specialists place implants on the firm and
solid bones after high-level bone graft because alveolar bones cannot be regenerated again once damaged.

bone grafting

It is a technique to regenerate or reinforce bone tissue using bone graft materials to replace lost bone tissue when existing bone tissue for support and preservation is insufficient before implantation. After bone graft, the new bone tissue forms after certain period of time. It may take weeks to months to heal the surgical site after bone graft.

Guided Bone Regeneration

GBR provides environment where only bone tissue cells can proliferate using a barrier membrane, preventing other tissue cells to invade. The cells in human skin proliferates faster than bones. The bone tissue may be insufficient when the skin cells take place in the missing bone area before bone tissue forms. To prevent this to happen, the barrier membrane can be used to secure the area so that the bone tissue can be regenerated to a sufficient amount without forming other tissue cell type.

sinus lift

The maxillary sinus refers to an empty space in the upper jaw bone. The sinus life is a surgery to fill more bone tissues in between maxillary sinus and alveolar bone when there is not enough bone left to place an implant.

a precise procedure through
high-tech equipment

Osstell ISQ

It is a device that allows you to determine the degree of bone adhesion between the implant and the alveolar bone and shows as an numerical values. If the ISQ measurement is greater than 70, it is considered to be highly stable and can be moved to crown fabrication step.

3Shape Oral Scanner

Digital scanners scan teeth to create 3D modeling. This allow you to determine the condition of your teeth more accurately and quickly than traditional methods of using impression materials.

Gangnam Dental Clinic
Implant Sleep Therapy Center

Sleep therapy,
with minimal Pain and anxiety, discomfort

Implant sleep therapy is a treatment method used to help relieve fear, tension, and pain during dental treatment.

Since the treatment is performed in a comfortable state as you are in asleep after inducing to a hydrated state before treatment, it minimizes pain and anxiety during treatment and enables efficient treatment.

  • Those who have a fear of dental treatment

  • Those who have difficulty opening their mouths from gagging/jaw joints

  • Those who have high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease

  • Those who feel uncomfortable about wide range of treatment, and long treatment time

In an independent sleep center
Be comfortable and cozy

Sleep treatment is performed at a sleep center where the treatment space is separated, and the movement path does not overlap with the general treatment patient. Therefore it will prevent patients awaking from external stimuli, prevent from reducing depth of sedation and it also allows patients to recover at the recovery room comfortably after the treatment.

Gangnam Dental Clinic’ Sleep Therapy

sleep anesthesia with midazolam & ketamine

During sleep anesthesia, we use appropriate amount of midazolam and ketamine, which have been proven to be stable, to induce a hydrated state.

Real-time monitoring system

During surgery, monitor the patient's condition in real time, such as blood pressure/pulse/oxygen saturation level/ electrocardiogram, and proceed safely.

Above all, safety is first

Gangnam Dental Clinic conducts sleep treatment safely in compliance with the clinical treatment guidelines for dental sedation by the Korean Society of Dental Anesthesiology.

First edition sold out in three months
"Mastering Dental Implants" book

Joint books by Dr. Kim Young-sam, Dr. Park Youngmin, and Dr. Pyeon Younghoon.

First edition sold out in three months

Published English version

Dentist who teaches dentists

Not only high-quality treatment, but also continuous study and research contribute to dental industry development. Furthermore, we are taking the lead in promoting Korean dental technology to the world through international seminars.

Various international seminars and
consistent research experience

Hold various wisdom tooth extraction live-surgery and seminars
in many different countries including U.S., Canada, Mexico, Australia, etc.

Proceed with
systematic plans and detailed consultation

  • STEP 01

    Diagnosis and examination

    Establish proper implant treatment plan for a patient
    after evaluating condition of the oral cavity and analyzing x-ray films of the teeth and chin.

  • STEP 02

    implant placement

    Place the implant into the alveolar bone under local anesthesia.
    After that, observe the surgical site carefully and the recovery process.

  • STEP 03

    Placing Implant Abutments

    Proceed to connect the implant abutment in order to attach with
    prosthesis into an artificial root.

  • STEP 04

    tooth restoration

    In the last step, an artificial tooth is attached to the top of the implant to complete it.
    This allow the patient to replace the lost tooth and regain a natural smile.

Cases of Implant

CASE #1a case of an abundant amount bone graft
CASE #2full mouth implant placements instead of dentures
CASE #3a very thin and lacking alveolar bone
CASE #4difficult level of full implants cases
CASE #5difficult level of full implants cases